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If you suffer from recurring, intrusive thoughts or images (obsessions) that cause worry and anxiety, or if you feel urges to clean, check, repeat things until they “feel right” or to do other special behaviors (mental rituals or compulsive actions) to prevent bad events, you are not alone - and help is available.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy of OCD, in particular Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)has proven highly effective when applied in a structured program of treatment. We offer this CBT treatment program in a group format, providing specific steps toward recovery as well as understanding and support from others who share the OCD challenge.
Goals and Objectives: This group is appropriate and effective for individuals with or without medications for OCD. The group will include 5-8 members, and is designed to offer treatment, not simply support. The program is intended to bring significant progress in 12-20 weeks, but is open-ended and offers longer term treatment and support for those who need or prefer that option.
Components of the treatment program include:
Leader: James L. Shenk, Ph.D.
Where: Online
Fee: $80 per session (90-minute sessions). An individual assessment of $300 is required prior to the start of the group.
The Cognitive Therapy Institute, APC
3252 Holiday Court, Suite 107, La Jolla, CA 92037, US
Copyright © 2020 The Cognitive Therapy Institute, APC - All Rights Reserved.
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Welcome! Join in our upcoming Panic and Agoraphobia Therapy Group, our OCD Therapy Group, or our Generalized Anxiety (Worry) Therapy Group... starting soon!